Friday, January 13, 2012

Delray Beach

From Peck Lake to Lake Worth to Delray Beach we have seen some of the most impressive pricey real estate and boats that we have ever seen.  From a lush green palm fringed golf course north of Lake Worth to elaborate palatial homes in the Palm Beaches we couldn't stop pointing  and saying "Look at that!  The 100-200 foot yachts hailed mostly from Georgetown, CI or other offshore havens.  I believe some yacht owners are willing to give up American citizenship to save on taxes.

We had to pass under 9 bridges today.  Three of the bridges were "on demand" and the rest were restricted to half hour intervals.  When we missed a bridge it always seemed that it was by just a few minutes so that we had to wait a half hour for the next opening.  One bridge operator just didn't hear us calling.  Another boat let us know that our radio signal was clear and he couldn't understand why the operator wasn't responding.  The operator then got on the radio to tell us he hadn't heard us.  But in the process of telling us his sentences were broken and garbled.  I'm thinking he was asleep and that was the reason he couldn't put words together properly right away.

Anyway, bridges probably added over an hour to our 26 mile trip.  The best bridges were those that are "on demand."  Many of the operators were friendly and often opened the bridges with timing that didn't even require us to slow down.

Meanwhile our current digs aren't too shabby.
This is the heated pool in our complex overlooking the ICW
and a comfortable home on the other side
This is part of the entrance to our current marina.

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