Friday, February 10, 2012

We celebrated our arrival in Bimini with the other 3 boating couples. They were kind enough to let us join them all the way from Fort Lauderdale.  The celebration was dinner at Bimini Beach Club restaurant.  

After a night in the marina we walked a half mile to the ferry landing and took the short ferry ride across to the government dock.  On the ferry ride we could see that the entrance to the harbor between South Bimini and North Bimini would have been challenging.  It is narrow and you can see the bottom most of the way in.  The anchorage in North Bimini is not recommended because of the poor holding and changing currents.  We did see a good sized sailboat aground with the crew climbing around the cockpit and foredeck.  We were told that the grounding was caused by a tug and barge with a dredge that crossed over and pulled several boats' anchor lines.  How do you predict something like that?

We went on a quest for an inexpensive Bahamian cell phone.  BTC where we buy our SIM card did not sell mobile phones so after some indecision I used my iPhone to call a cab for the 1.5 mile ride to Trevors who is the main man for cell phones. The two cheapest models had been bought out at Trevors so we ended up with a nifty $50 phone that was the same that our cab driver Max had.  Max showed us his beat up phone and assured us it "could take a lickin' and keep on ticken' just like a Timex watch."  Max was a pleasure to ride with and gave us a break on our cab fare which ensured him a good tip.  Our contacts with Bahamians has been nothing but nice.  The woman in the BTC office was overwhelmed with cruisers buying SIM cards but was good humored about the crush.  When I commented on the difficulty of being the only person running the office she said: "Oh but it is a pleasure to be able to serve!" -- and she meant it!  On her recommendation we made our way to JT's for very good sandwiches.  As a sprinkle opened up on us a Bahamian couple took pity on us and gave us a lift for a short distance to JT's.

This morning we are pinned down by showers and trying to decide whether or not to make an uncomfortable overnight sail over the Bahama bank.  Our alternative is to be stuck here for a week or more.  Decisions, decisions.


  1. Rosemary just called and told me about the 100 mile, overnight sail you are taking to Nassau. What adventurers! I'm stuck in bed with a swollen knee :-) Best of luck. Love, Jim

  2. Sorry about the GRD2MMP confusion -- Google was "acting out."
    Would be interested in the brand of phone.
    Same showers here.
