Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Vero Beach - bittersweet

After a relatively easy 5 hour 34 mile day we made it to Vero Beach.  We had to make a sharp turn off the ICW very close to a fixed 65 foot high bridge.  I have been on that bridge many times over about a 10 year period.  I have happy  memories of running across it and back from the park on the east side of the Indian River.  I drove across it many times with my parents for dinner at the Vero Beach Yacht Club.  Every time we drove across the bridge we would admire the boats down below.  Before or after dinner I would explore the docks to check out the boats.  I often wondered what it would be like to sail my Moody 33 sailboat to Vero Beach.  I'm sure my parents would have enjoyed seeing Maryanne and me arrive here on our sailboat.   We would have had another mediocre meal and a wonderful time at the Club together.  I am at so happy to be here and overwhelmed with sadness that they are no longer with us.

View from the bridge.  I've seen this view many times.  This is the first time
my boat was part of the view.  It is virtually invisible in this picture - it's
part of a clump of boats in the upper left side next to a green channel marker.

The scene of many mediocre meals and happy
memories of family get-to-gethers.


  1. Wow, love the view from the bridge! We've never been to Vero Beach but are looking forward to also sailing there someday. Sounds like you've spent many great times there with your parents, and now you're one of those sailboats under the bridge. I'm sure it is bittersweet, but now things have come full circle .. congrats!

  2. Glad you get to stop at Vero for a couple of days. Happy Birthday to Maryanne.

  3. Grandma and Grandpa would be happy you went to the club. I remember that bridge too.

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments. We appreciate them.
